Training Course: Multiple Sequence Alignment and Analysis with Jalview
Length: 1 day
Location: Dalhousie 1G01, University of Dundee
This workshop course employs talks and hands-on exercises to help researchers start using the versatile protein and nucleic acid alignment and visualisation software Jalview (developed within the School of Life Sciences). Over two sessions, we will cover launching Jalview, accessing sequence, alignment and 3D structure databases, creating, editing and analysing alignments, phylogenetic trees, visualisation of 3D structure data, and preparation of figures for presentation and publication.
At Dalhousie 1G01 from 9 to 5pm on Wednesday 22nd February 2017
Date: 22-02-2017
Course: Jalview workshop
Location Dalhousie 1G01, University of Dundee
Duration: 1 day
Posted date: 2017-02-15